The School in the Cloud
The Emerging Future of Learning
Author: Sugata Mitra
In 1999, Sugata Mitra conducted the famous “Hole in the Wall” experiment that inspired three TED Talks and earned him the first million-dollar TED prize for research in 2013. Since then, he has conducted new research around self-organized learning environments (SOLE), building “Schools in the Cloud” all over the world. This new book shares the results of this research.
Escuelas que valgan la pena
Historias para entender la educación del futuro
Autor: Pepe Menéndez
A partir de experiencias puntuales e historias reales –como la de Albert, uno de sus alumnos, dolor de cabeza para sus maestros y sin embargo capaz de salvar la vida de su amigo Jaime–, Menéndez nos invita a reflexionar sobre la educación, con la intención manifiesta de encender un debate al interior de las instituciones educativas, en las casas y en grupos de educadores y de estudiantes. El objetivo es conseguir que el aprendizaje sea el motor de una educación más humana y acorde con las competencias de nuestro tiempo.
- You can now download over 300,000 books from the NYPL for free
- Museums around the world are closing because of the coronavirus outbreak. But, you can explore hundreds of them virtually
- Free educational courses
- Beginning today and continuing until the doors reopen, you can stream handpicked past performances of the Met’s Live in HD series each night right from the organization’s website. The performances will go live at 7:30 p.m. ET and will remain active for 20 hours.
- Explore the Frick collection
- These 12 famous museums offer virtual tours you can take
- Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen — The Boss shared his “London Calling: Live In Hyde Park” online in its entirety for the first time to encourage social distancing by rocking out at home. The 2009 concert with the E Street Band is free on YouTube & Apple Music.
- Inexpensive classes for health, fitness and mental health
- Free online Ivy League courses
- Free online workouts
- Tons of free films (Including westerns, film noir, foreign)
12.Cuentos infantiles en español
- Para descargar libros en español
And please, remember to stay home to stay safe.
Quedate en casa, por vos y por todos.