The Magic-Weaving Business
We know that teachers make a difference. Ask anyone to name five people who have influenced their lives and you are sure to find a teacher among them.
Sir John Jones explores issues about social injustice and challengesour thinking about why some children get more chances than others.
La Evaluación como Oportunidad
Las reflexiones y propuestas que Rebeca Anijovich y Graciela Cappelletti comparten, fruto de su amplia experiencia en el acompañamiento y formación de docentes, son ricas en ejemplos y herramientas de trabajo. Ofrecen alternativas para ir más allá de una calificación que solo pretende aprobar, promover y certificar.
Eat that Frog!
There’s an old saying that if the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you are done with the worst thing you’ll have to do all day. For Brian Tracy, eating a frog is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging task- but also the one that can have the greatest positive impact on your life.
Aprender haciendo
Los seres humanos parecemos tener la predilección de ser fabricantes. Hay una disposición innata a usar nuestro ingenio, curiosidad, pasión e imaginación para dar sentido y ampliar nuestro mundo.
Invitar a los estudiantes al proceso de diseñar proyectos interesantes y significativos, puede ser transformador.
Este libro ofrece valiosas herramientas e ideas que inspirarán a los educadores a explorar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje centrados en el creador.
The Learning Challenge
“Learning involves being on the edge of knowing and not knowing. It involves acknowledging what we do not yet know but could with effort and strategy. It sometimes involves reorganizing what we already think we know into something different and giving up some previous and sometimes precious knowledge to reach a deeper and more flexible understanding.”
John Hattie